# Other
# 电脑操作
# 网页微信文件传输助手
网页微信文件传输助手,在线网页传输手机电脑文件,互相传输:https://szfilehelper.weixin.qq.com/ (opens new window)
# 测网速
测速网:https://myplugin.speedtest.cn/#/ (opens new window)
# ip地址
查看公网ip地址,ip所在城市:https://api-v3.speedtest.cn/ip (opens new window)
查看详细公网ip地址:https://tisu-api-v3.speedtest.cn/speedUp/query (opens new window)
# 二维码
在线网页生成二维码:微微在线二维码:https://www.wwei.cn/ (opens new window) 草料二维码:https://cli.im/ (opens new window)
# 阿里盘搜
阿里云盘搜索:https://www.alipansou.com/ (opens new window)
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